A Redbridge Jewish community centre celebrated its 50th anniversary with speakers sharing their pride in its success and thanking everyone for making it a unique and central space.

Ilford Recorder: Ian Grant, and Josh Wynne, winners of Saul Keene Award for Excellence. Picture: David SolomonIan Grant, and Josh Wynne, winners of Saul Keene Award for Excellence. Picture: David Solomon (Image: Archant)

The Mayor of Redbridge, Councillor Zulfiqar Hussain and many others were on hand to cheer on Jewish Care's Redbridge Jewish Community Centre's (RJCC) half century celebration on Sunday December 8.

The RJCC is run by a dedicated staff and 420 volunteers who deliver social, welfare, education and community programmes to more than 2,000 people in their centre at Sinclair House in Woodford Bridge Road.

Ilford Recorder: Chairman of RJCC Jon Jacobs, Centre Manager Graham Freeman, Mayor of Redbridge, Councillor Zulfiqar Hussain, Jewish Care Trustee Gayle Klein, Jewish Care Chairman Steven Lewis and President of RJCC Phillip Leigh. Picture: David SolomonChairman of RJCC Jon Jacobs, Centre Manager Graham Freeman, Mayor of Redbridge, Councillor Zulfiqar Hussain, Jewish Care Trustee Gayle Klein, Jewish Care Chairman Steven Lewis and President of RJCC Phillip Leigh. Picture: David Solomon (Image: Archant)

Jewish Care's chairman Steven Lewis said: "I would like to thank everyone involved in the centre's past, present and future, from the youngest to the oldest, who make Redbridge JCC a lifeline to the local community."

Daniel Carmel-Brown, Jewish Care's chief executive grew up and lives in Redbridge, and is one of the many leaders who has participated in RJCC's youth leadership programme, known today as the MIKE youth leadership programme.

Ilford Recorder: Jewish Care Chief Executive Daniel Carmel-Brown speaking at the event. Picture: David SolomonJewish Care Chief Executive Daniel Carmel-Brown speaking at the event. Picture: David Solomon (Image: Archant)

He said: "I am proud to have played a part in shaping three of the five decades that the centre has been in existence for and I am proud to still call Redbridge my home.

"RJCC is unique; a community centre in the truest sense, literally from the youngest of children to wise older members of the community, and now home to an exemplary home care service and social work team too."

Ilford Recorder: Evelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David SolomonEvelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David Solomon (Image: Archant)

President of the RJCC Phillip Leigh looked back to the start of the centre.

He said: "50 years ago, a local GP and a pharmacist who had a dispensary in Stepney recognised that there was a generation of people marrying and moving from the East End and settling in Ilford.

Ilford Recorder: Evelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David SolomanEvelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David Soloman (Image: Archant)

"Sinclair House opened on 4 May, 1969 and in 1997 we merged with Jewish Care, enabling us to continue our work in Redbridge and Essex.

"It was the vision of the people that got us to this place and we of course thank them and their families for ensuring that the Redbridge Jewish Community had a purpose and future."

Ilford Recorder: Evelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David SolomanEvelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David Soloman (Image: Archant)

For more information about RJCC, contact Redbridgejcc@jcare.org or 020 8551 0017 or visit jcare.org/rjcc.

Ilford Recorder: Evelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David SolomanEvelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David Soloman (Image: Archant)

Ilford Recorder: Evelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David SolomanEvelyn Cumbers, June Bradbury with Worshipful Mayor of Redbridge, Nettie Keene, Marie Cohen, Audrey Cass, Jean Lowi at the 50th anniversary of RJCC. Picture: David Soloman (Image: Archant)