Dozens of women from the borough’s Sikh community commemorated the 125th anniversary of the death of the final ruler of the Sikh Empire – Maharaja Duleep Singh.

The Sikh Women’s Alliance took a coach to visit the Maharaja’s grave – and those of his wife Maharani Bamba and son Prince Frederick – in Norfolk on Sunday, August 26.

Chairwoman Balvinder Saund said: “He was only a 15-year-old lad when he was stealthily converted to Christianity, which he rebelled against in his 50s when he realised what wrong had been done to his family by the British Empire.

“Duleep Singh died a broken man in France but none of his eight children survived.”

She added: “We said Sikh prayers by the gravesides and wished for their souls to rest in peace.” She said that the Maharaja was brought to Queen Victoria’s court, after his kingdom, Kohinoor diamond and land in the Panjab was stolen from him.