Redbridge Youth Council has been handed the Inspiring Project Award for addressing the stigma of discussing mental health issues.

The prize was given by the British Youth Council for work over an 18 month period, culminating in the Help Me, I’m normal drama tour.

This raised awareness of mental health issues amongst young people in the borough.

By the end of the tour, 13 secondary schools had taken part and over 5000 young people had watched the play.

Ailish Farrell, member of Redbridge Youth Council, said: “We wanted a clear message to be sent out in a way that we as teenagers found engaging and didn’t simply repeat the same static messages that we always get.

“The theatre piece allowed us to get this hard hitting message across, and has been well received across the board by young people and professionals, so we really feel as if we’ve made a significant move towards getting people to talk about mental health.”

The play followed the story of two characters, Amy and Troy, each dealing with a mental health issue.

It explored their thoughts, feelings and relationships through their own eyes, and those of their parents and friends.

Cllr Elaine Norman, cabinet member for children and young people, said: “The work that the Youth Council have put in to break down the stigma involved with these issues and ensure that this message reaches young people in the borough is to be applauded.”

To find out more about the work of the Youth Council visit