Artificial intelligence (AI) platform Chat GPT can do a lot of things, from giving you an answer, writing a story, designing a game and even being a debate host.

But one thing that users of AI might not use the service for is letting it plan out your entire day, allowing Chat GPT to have free will over how you spend your time.

That’s where I step in, with an entire day free and no plans in site, I decided to give my time to AI.

Heading to Chat GPT with no plans and one singular prompt, I asked the AI to “Plan my day in London on a rainy day with a £50 budget” not knowing the tiredness that awaits me.

I let Chat GPT plan my day out and it left me exhausted

After sending my prompt to the AI service, it swiftly replied with a full-day plan giving me options for morning, afternoon, and evening.

Setting a budget of £50 (aware that the service could potentially make me bankrupt without one) many of the suggestions were free with plenty on offer across London.

Ilford Recorder: I started my day at the National Gallery.I started my day at the National Gallery. (Image: Newsquest)

For the morning, Chat GPT suggested

  1. Visit the National Gallery. Admission is free, but you can make a voluntary donation if you wish. Take your time and enjoy the gallery’s impressive architecture.
  2. After exploring the museum, take a walk through the iconic Trafalgar Square. Admire the architecture, the famous Nelson's Column, and the fountains.
  3. Head towards Covent Garden, a vibrant area filled with street performers, unique shops, and a bustling market. Enjoy the lively atmosphere and perhaps grab a coffee or a snack from one of the many affordable food stalls.

Taking on the AI’s plan I began my day at the National Gallery, although I’ve visited the attraction before, it never disappoints.

With its free entry, I got to see historic artworks from the likes of Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers to Claude Monet’s The Water-Lily Pond without spending a penny.

Ilford Recorder: I got to see plenty of amazing art.I got to see plenty of amazing art. (Image: N)

Feeling educated, I then headed outside the gallery into the open air of London to be met with heavy rain as I began exploring Trafalgar Square.

With Nelson Column set in the centre and the fountains at full extravagant, the Square was bare from any tourists as the rain hammered it down.

Walking around the Square I wandered across the latest artwork to take centre stage on the fourth plinth and come across the smallest police station in the world.

After spending my morning exploring, I took a quick walk across to Covent Garden ready to see what AI had in store for me.

Following its plan I went around the shops, watched the street acts and grabbed a quick coffee from one of the stalls dotted around the market.

Ilford Recorder: Trafalgar Square was on full display.Trafalgar Square was on full display. (Image: Newsquest)

Feet soar and slightly wet from the rain, I looked at what Chat GPT had planned for my afternoon in London.

For the afternoon Chat GPT suggested

  1. For an affordable lunch, consider visiting a local food market such as Borough Market or Seven Dials Market. These markets offer a variety of delicious street food options at reasonable prices. Grab a tasty meal or some snacks to enjoy.
  2. Take a stroll along South Bank - Despite the rain, South Bank offers a vibrant atmosphere with various attractions. Admire the views of the Thames River, and walk by the iconic landmarks such as the London Eye and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.
  3. Visit the Tate Modern (free entry, optional donation) - Explore contemporary and modern art at the Tate Modern, housed in a former power station. Enjoy the impressive art collections and exhibitions.

Ilford Recorder: Covent Garden has plenty to do.Covent Garden has plenty to do. (Image: Newsquest)

Keeping to budget (not including travel) so far into the day I’ve spent less than £5 on a cup of coffee but with lunchtime approaching I expected to fork out more than normal in London.

Heading to one of the two options from Chat GPT, I went to Seven Dials Market, the indoor food market giving you options from all corners of the world.

With everything on offer from Italian, Mexican, Korean, American, Japanese and more, I wanted to try something new and tasted some Syrian cuisine at Arnabeet.

Spending £13 on my lunch I had a plate full of amazing tastes with the likes of spiced chicken, roasted cauliflower, and the most mouthwatering fresh salad.

Ilford Recorder: My lunch at Arnabeet.My lunch at Arnabeet. (Image: Newsquest)

With a belly full, I took on AI’s next piece of guidance and headed towards South Bank.

Taking my least favourite tube line, the Northern Line, I arrived at Embankment ready to walk along the iconic South Bank.

Offering views unlike any other, even the rain couldn’t stop the breathtaking views on display, from the sites of sky scrappers in Canary Wharf to views of Shakespear Globe and our next stop the Tate Modern.

Feeling refreshed, I headed into the Tate Modern curious to see what new and exciting displays they have on offer.

Ilford Recorder: South Bank views do not dissapoint. South Bank views do not dissapoint. (Image: Newsquest)

If you’ve been to the Tate before, you might understand what I mean when I say it's hard to describe what I saw, not in a bad way, more in a longing for a more understanding way.

Seeing artwork from Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Guerrilla Girls and many more, the Tate has something for everyone and gives you a new insight into the artwork.

After enjoying lunch, a brisk walk and learning about modern art, it was time to see what Chat GPT had planned for my evening.

For the evening Chat GPT suggested

  1. Head to a nearby park such as Hyde Park or St. James's Park. Take a leisurely stroll, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
  2. End your day by grabbing a delicious dinner from one of London's affordable eateries, such as a local pub or a restaurant. Budget around £15 for a satisfying meal.

Thinking that the AI might not be fully aware of distances and the heavy rain, I opted to skip the first suggestions over fears of getting even more soaked.

Ilford Recorder: The Tate Modern is a very impressive building. The Tate Modern is a very impressive building. (Image: Newsquest)

Instead, I went to option two, finding a local restaurant ready to enjoy a warm tasty meal and a couple of drinks or two.

Coming across a reliable Bills restaurant I enjoyed a fulfilling meal and treated myself to a dessert as I reflected on the day Chat GPT had given me.

Although left tired and in need of a nap, I did get to see a lot in my day in London.

Doing many of the touristy attractions, the day was very educational and let me learn of some new spots in the capital, learning of the Seven Dials Market instead of the normally opted Camden or Borough.

AI may have its fault, but it can be very useful, especially if you have a day to yourself or are in a new city and want to explore with no current plan.

So, if you ever are bored and want a day full of exploring, maybe give AI the reins (just don’t tell Tom Cruise).